
Entries for August 2021

Improving water quality and human health through catchment management training

Views: 2734
Improving water quality and human health through catchment management training
(August 12, 2021) On a sunny Tuesday morning in April 2021, the districts of Namosi, Wainikoroiluva, Veinuqa, and Naqarawai in the interior of Namosi gathered for catchment management training. They met at the newly commissioned Namosi Government Station in Dada, for 2 days of information sharing and deliberation, to identify actions to better manage their catchment to protect their natural water sources.The training, funded by the Watershed Interventions for Systems and Health in Fiji (WISH Fiji) project, throug...


Redefining “Impact” and “Success” in Science to Dismantle a Discriminatory Reward System

Views: 2592
Redefining “Impact” and “Success” in Science to Dismantle a Discriminatory Reward System
(August 06, 2021) A 2020 study highlighted that the citation gap between genders was skewed a full 30 percent in favour of male scientists across thirteen STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Medicine) disciplines. Other studies have highlighted sex-specific conscious and unconscious biases that lead to a higher rate of manuscript rejections and lower rate of publication in prestigious journals for women.  Discussions of a broken value system are prevalent across different fields of science...