Please contact us at if you would like more information or copies of the articles below.
Gill D, Blythe J, Bennett N, Evans L, Brown K, Turner R, Baggio JA, Baker D, Ban NC, Brun V, Claudet J, Darling E, Di Franco A, Epstein G, Estradivari, Gray NL, Gurney GG, Horan RP, Jupiter SD, Lau JD, Lazzari N, Lestari P, Mahajan S, Mangubhai S, Naggea J, Selig ER, Whitney CK, Zafra-Calvo N, Muthiga N (2023) Triple exposure: Reducing negative impacts of climate change, blue growth, and conservation on coastal communities. One Earth 6:118-130
Claudet J, Ban NC, Blythe J, Briggs J, Darling E, Gurney GG, Palardy JE, Pike EP, Agostini VN, Ahmadia GN, Campbell SJ, Epstein G, Estradivari, Gill D, Himes-Cornell A, Jonas HD, Jupiter SD, Mangubhai S, Morgan L (2022) Biodiversity conservation through marine OECMs: transforming potential risks into solutions One Earth 5:969-974
Smallhorn-West P, Cohen PJ, Phillips M, Jupiter S, Govan H, Pressey B (2022) Linking small-scale fisheries co-management to the Sustainable Development Goals. Conservation Biology 36:e13977
Wilkie D, Kretser H, Painter M, O’Brien F, Holmes A, Mastro K, Wieland M, Sriskanthan G, Mangubhai S, Jupiter S, Painter L, Chetkiewicz C (2022) Tailoring social safeguards in conservation to reflect the local context and level of risk. Conservation Science and Practice 4: e12747 doi.10.1111/csp2.12747
Mangubhai S, Lawless S, Cowley A, Mangubhai JP, Williams MJ (2022) Progressing gender equality in fisheries by building strategic partnerships with development organisations. World Development 158:105975 [Download]
Nelson S, Jenkins A, Jupiter SD, Horwitz P, Mangubhai S, Abimbola S, Ratu A, Naivalulevu T, Negin J (2022) Predicting climate-sensitive water-related disease trends based on health, seasonality and weather data in Fiji. The Journal of Climate Change and Health 6:100112.
Longenecker K, Franklin EC, Hill-Lewenilovo R, Lalavanua W, Langston R, Mangubhai S, Piovano S (2022) Many immature individuals and largest size classes lacked females for three coral reef fishes (Actinopterygii) in Fiji market surveys: Implication for fishery management. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 52:53-65
Nelson S, Thomas J, Jenkins A, Naivalu K, Naivalulevu T, Naivalulevu V, Mailautoka K, Anthony S, Ravoka M, Jupiter SD, Mangubhai S, Horwitz P, Abimbola S, Negin J (2022) Perceptions of drinking water access and quality in rural indigenous villages in Fiji. Water Practice and Technology 17(3):719–730
Ferguson CE, Tuxson T, Mangubhai S, Jupiter S, Govan H, Bonito V, Alefaio S, Anjiga M, Booth J, Boslogo T, Boso D, Brenier A, Caginitoba A, Ciriyawa A, Fahai’ono JB, Fox M, George A, Eriksson H, Hughes A, Joseph E, Kadannged S, Kubunavanua E, Loni S, Meo S, Micheli F, Nagombi E, Omaro R, Ride A, Sapul A, Singeo A, Stone K, Tabunakawai-Vakalalabure M, Tuivuna M, Vieux C, Vitukawalu VB, Waide M (2022) Local practices and production confer resilience to rural Pacific food systems during the COVID-19 pandemic. Marine Policy 137:104954
Lawless S, Cohen PJ, McDougall AJ, Mangubhai S, Song AM, Morrison TH (2022) Tinker, tailor or transform: Gender equality amidst social-ecological change. Global Environmental Change 72:102434
Fraser N, Mangubhai S, Hall KC, Scott A (2021) Sea anemones in the marine aquarium trade: market preferences indicate opportunities for mariculture and conservation. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 31: 3594‒3606.
Ahmadia GN, Cheng SH, Andradi-Brown DA, Baez SK, Barnes MD, Bennett NJ, Campbell SJ, Darling ES, Estradivari, Gill D, Gress E, Gurney GG, Horigue V, Jakub R, Kennedy EV, Mahajan SL, Mangubhai S, Matsuda SB, Muthiga NA, Navarro MO, Santodomingo N, Valles H, Veverka L, Villagomez A, Wenger AS, Wosu A (2021) Limited progress in improving gender and geographic representation in coral reef science. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8: 731037.
Short RE, Gelcich S, Little DC, Micheli F, Allison EH, Basurto X, Belton B, Brugere C, Bush SR, Cao L, Crona B, Cohen PJ, Defeo O, Edwards P, Ferguson CE, Franz N, Golden CD, Halpern BS, Hazen L, Hicks C, Johnson D, Kaminski AM, Mangubhai S, Naylor RL, Reantaso M, Sumaila UR, Thilsted SH, Tigchelaar M, Wabnitz CCC, Zhang W (2021) Harnessing the diversity of small-scale actors is key to the future of aquatic food systems. Nature Food.
Fox MD, Cohen AL, Rotjan RD, Mangubhai S, Sandin SA, Smith JE, Thorrold SR, Dissly L, Mollica NR, Obura D (2021) Increasing coral reef resilience through successive marine heatwaves. Geophysical Science Letters. 48: e2021GL094128
Bates AE, Mangubhai S, Milanes CB, Rodgers K, Vergara V (2021) The COVID-19 pandemic reveals opportunities to transform biological conservation. Nature Communications. 12: 5176.
Bennett NJ, Katz L, Yadao-Evans W, Ahmadia GN, Atkinson S, Ban NC, Dawson NM, de Vos A, Fitzpatrick J, Gill D, Imirizaldu M, Lewis N, Mangubhai S, Meth L, Muhl E-K, Obura D, Spalding AK, Villagomez A, Wagner D, White A, Wilhelm A (2021) Advancing social equity in and through marine conservation. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8: 711538.
Gurney GG, Darling ES, Ahmadia G, Agostini VN, Ban NC, Blythe J, Claudet J, Epstein G, Estradivari, Himes-Cornell A, Jonas HD, Armitage D, Campbell SJ, Cox C, Friedman WR, Gill D, Lestari P, Mangubhai S, Mcleod E, Muthiga NA, Naggea J, Ranaivoson R, Wenger A, Yulianto I, Jupiter SD (2021) Biodiversity needs every tool in the box – use OECMs. Nature. 595: 646‒650.
Gurney GG, Mangubhai S, Fox M, Kim MK, Agrawal A (2021) Equity in environmental governance: exploring perceived fairness of distributional justice principles in co-management of marine commons in Fiji. Environmental Science and Policy. 124: 23‒32.
Davies SW, Putnam HM, Ainsworth T, Baum JK, Bove CB, Crosby SC, Côté IM, Duplouy A, Fulweiler RW, Griffin AJ, Hanley TC, Hill T, Humanes A, Mangubhai S, Metaxas A, Parker LM, Rivera HE, Silbiger NJ, Smith NS, Spalding AK, Traylor-Knowles N, Weigel BL, Wright RM, Bates AE (2021) Promoting inclusive metrics of success and impact to dismantle a discriminatory reward system in science. PLoS Biol. 19(6): e3001282.
Jonas HD, Ahmadia GN, Bingham HC, Briggs J, Butchart SHM, Cariño J, Chassot O, Chaudhary S, Darling E, DeGemmis A, Dudley N, Fa JE, Fitzsimons J, Garnett S, Geldmann J, Kroner RG, Gurney GG, Harrington AR, Himes-Cornell A, Hockings M, Jonas HC, Jupiter S, Kingston N, tebrakunna country and Lee E, Lieberman S, Mangubhai S, Marnewick D, Matallana-Tobón CL, Maxwell SL, Nelson F, Parrish J, Ranaivoson R, Rao M, Santamaría M, Venter O, Visconti P, Waithaka J, Painemilla KW, Watson JEN, von Weizsacker C (2021) Equitable and effective area-based conservation: towards the conserved areas paradigm. PARKS. 27: 71-83. 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2021.PARKS‐27‐1HJ.en
McClanahan TR, Darling ES, Mangubhai S, Gurney GG, Lestari WP, Fox M, Jupiter SD, Yulistianti A, Muthiga NA, D’agata S (2021) Views of management effectiveness in tropical reef fisheries. Fish and Fisheries.
Mangubhai S, Aitken J, O’Brien M (2021) Wailagilala Atoll: coral reefs, turtle nesting beaches and seabird populations. Pacific Conservation Biology.
Nelson S, Abimbola S, Mangubhai S, Jenkins A, Jupiter S, Naivalu K, Naivalulevu V, Negin J (2021) Understanding the decision-making structures, roles, and actions of village-level water committees in Fiji. International Journal of Water Resources Development.
Price BA, Harvey ES, Mangubhai S, Saunders BJ, Puotinen M, Goetze JS (2021) Responses of benthic and fish to severe tropical cyclone Winston in Fiji. Coral Reefs. 40: 807–819.
Thiault L, Jupiter SD, Johnson JE, Cinner JE, Jarvis RM, Heron SF, Maina JM, Marshall NA, Marshall PA, Claudet J (2021) Harnessing the potential of vulnerability assessments for managing social-ecological systems. Ecology and Society 26:1.
Mangubhai S, Nand Y, Reddy C, Jagadish A (2021) Politics of vulnerability: Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic and Cyclone Harold on Indo-Fijians engaged in small-scale fisheries. Environmental Science and Policy. 120: 195−203.
Purwanto, Andradi-Brown DA, Matualage D, Rumengan I, Awaludinnoer, Pada D, Hidayat NI, Amkieltiela, Fox H, Fox M, Mangubhai S, Hamid L, Lazuardi ME, Mambrasar R, Maulana N, Mulyadi, Tuharea S, Pakiding F, Ahmadia G (2021) The Bird’s Head Seascape Marine Protected Area Network − Holding the line amidst rapid change in Papua, Indonesia. Conservation Science and Practice. e393: 1-18.
Phua C, Andradi-Brown DA, Mangubhai S, Ahmadia GN, Mahajan S, Larsen K, Friel S, Reichelt R, Hockings M, Gill D, Veverka L, Anderson R, Augustave LC, Awaludinnoer, Bervoets T, Brayne K, Djohani R, Kawaka J, Kyne F, Ndagala J, Oates J, Osuka K, Prvan M, Shah N, Vallorola F, Wenzel L, Widodo H, Wells S (2021) Marine protected and conserved areas in the time of COVID. PARKS. 27: 85−102.
Walters G, Broome NP, Cracco M, Dash T, Dudley N, Elias S, Hymas O, Mangubhai S, Mohan V, Niederberger T, Kema CANK, Lio AO, Raveloson N, Rubis J, Toviehou SARM, Van Vliet N (2021) COVID-19, Indigenous peoples, local communities and natural resource governance. PARKS. 27: 57−62.
Thomas A, Mangubhai S, Fox M, Meo S, Miller K, Naisilisili W, Veitayaki J, Waqairatu S (2021) Why they must be counted: Significant contributions of Fijian women fishers to food security and livelihoods. Ocean and Coastal Management. 205: 105571.
Lawless S, Cohen P, Mangubhai S, Kleiber D, Morrison T (2021) Gender equality is diluted in commitments made to small-scale fisheries. World Development. 140: 105348.
Mangubhai S, Lawless S (2021) Exploring gender inclusion in small-scale fisheries management in Melanesia. Marine Policy. 123: 104287
Grantham HS, Duncan A, Evans TD, Jones KR, Beyer HL, Schuster R, Walston J, Ray JC, Robinson JG, Callow M, Clements T, Costa HM, DeGemmis A, Elsen PR, Ervin J, Franco P, Goldman E, Goetz S, Hansen A, Hofsvang E, Jantz P, Jupiter S, Kang A, Langhammer P, Laurance WF, Lieberman S, Linkie M, Malhi Y, Maxwell S, Mendez M, Mittermeier R, Murray NJ, Possingham H, Radachowsky J, Saatchi S, Samper C, Silverman J, Shapiro A, Strassburg B, Stevens T, Stokes E, Taylor R, Tear TH, Tizard R, Venter O, Visconti P, Wang S, Watson JEM (2020) Anthropogenic modification of forests means only 40% of remaining forests have high ecosystem integrity. Nature Communications.
Jenkins A, Jupiter SD, Capon A, Horwitz P, Negin J (2020) Nested ecology and emergence in pandemics. The Lancet Planetary Health 4:e303.
Prince J, Lalavanua W, Tamanitoakula J, Tamata L, Green S, Radway S, Loganimoce E, Vodivodi T, Marama K, Waqainabete P, Jeremiah F, Nalasi D, Naleba M, Naisilisili W, Kaloudrau U, Lagi L, Logatabua K, Dautei R, Tikaram R, Sloan J, Mangubhai S (2020) Spawning potential surveys in Fiji – a new song of change for small-scale fisheries in the Pacific. Conservation Science and Practice. e273.
McClanahan TR, Darling ES, Maina JM, Muthiga NA, D’agata S, Leblond J, Arthur R, Jupiter SD, Wilson SK, Mangubhai S, Ussi AM, Guillaume MMM, Humphries AT, Patankar V, Shedrawi G, Julius P, Grimsditch G (2020) Large geographic variability in the resistance of corals to thermal stress. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 29: 2229–2247. DOI: 10.1111/geb.13191
McClanahan TR, Darling ES, Maina JM, Muthiga NA, D’Agata S, Leblond J, Arthur R, Jupiter SD, Wilson SK, Mangubhai S, Ussi AM, Guillaume MMM, Humphries AT, Patankar V, Shedrawi G, Julius P, Grimsditch G (2020) Highly variable taxa-specific coral bleaching responses to thermal stresses. Marine Ecology Progress Series.
Bennett NJ, Finkbeiner EM, Ban NC, Belhabib D, Jupiter SD, Kittinger JN, Mangubhai S, Scholtens J, Gill D, Christie P (2020) The COVID-19 pandemic, small-scale fisheries and coastal fishing communities. Coastal Management. 48(4): 336–347.
MacNeil A, Chapman D, Heupel M, Simpfendorfer C, Heithaus M, Meekan M, Harvey E, Goetze J, Cinner J, Kiszka J, Bond M, Currey-Randall L, Speed C, Sherman C, Rees M, Udyawer V, Flowers K, Clementi G, Valentin-Albanese J, Gorham T, Adam S, Ali K, Pina-Amargos F, Angulo-Valdes J, Asher J, Barcia L, Beaufort O, Benjamin C, Bernardi A, Berumen M, Bierwagen S, Bonema E, Bown R, Bradley D, Brooks E, Brown J, Buddo D, Burke P, Caceres C, Cardenosa D, Carrier J, Caselle J, Charloo V, Claverie T, Clua E, Cochrane J, Cook N, Cramp J, D’Alberto B, de Graffe M, Dornhege M, Estep A, Farabough F, Fernando D, Flam A, Floros C, Fourquean V, Garla R, Gastrich K, George L, Graham R, Guttridge T, Hardenstine R, Heck S, Henderson A, Hertler H, Hueter R, Johnson M, Jupiter S, Kessel S, Kiilu B, Kirata T, Kuguru B, Kyne F, Langlois T, Ledee E, Lindfield S, Maggs J, Manjaji-Matsumoto M, Marshall A, Matich P, McCombs E, McLean D, Meggs L, Moore S, Murray R, Muslimin M, Newman S, Nogues J, Obuta C, O’Shea O, Osuka K, Papastamatiou Y, Perera N, Peterson B, Ponzo A, Prasetyo A, Quinlan J, Ruiz-Abierno A, Sala E, Samoilys M, Scharer-Umpierre M, Schlaff A, Simpson N, Smith A, Sparks L, Tadurrbannna A, Torres R, Travers M, Van Zinnicq Bergmann M, Vigliola L, Ward J, Watts A, Wen C, Whitman E, Wirsing A, Wothke A, Zarza E (2020) Global status and conservation potential of reef sharks. Nature.
Sterling EJ, Pascua P, Sigouin A, Gazit N, Mandle L, Betley E, Aini J, Albert S, Caillon S, Caselle JE, Cheng SH, Claudet J, Dacks R, Darling ES, Filardi C, Jupiter SD, Mawyer A, Mejia M, Morishige K, Nainoca W, Parks J, Tanguay J, Ticktin T, Vave R, Wase V, Wongbusarakum S, McCarter J (2020) Creating a space for place and multidimensional well-being: Lessons learned from localizing the SDGs. Sustainability Science.
Dacks R, Ticktin T, Jupiter S, Friedlander A (2020) Investigating the role of fish and fishing in sharing networks to build resilience in coral reef social-ecological systems. Coastal Management.
Piovanno S, Lemons GE, Ciriyawa A, Batibasaga A, Seminoff JA (2020) Diet and recruitment of juvenile green turtles at two foraging grounds in Fiji, South Pacific inferred from in-water capture and stable isotope analysis. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 640: 201-213.
Mangubhai S, Sykes H, Manley M, Vukikomoala K, Beattie M (2020) Contribution of tourism-led marine conservation agreements to natural resource management in Fiji. Ecological Economics. 171.
Campbell SJ, Darling ES, Pardede S, Ahmadia G, Mangubhai S, Amkieltiela, Estradivari, Maire E (2020) Remoteness and fishing restrictions support fish biomass and trophic structure on Indonesia’s coral reefs. Conservation Letters. DOI: 10.1111/conl.12698
Beger M, Wendt H, Sullivan J, Mason C, LeGrand J, Davey K, Jupiter S, Ceccarelli D, Dempsey A, Edgar G, Feary D, Fenner D, Gauna M, Grice H, Kirmani SN, Mangubhai S, Purkis S, Richards Z, Rotjan R, Stuart-Smith R, Sykes H, Yakub N, Bauman A, Hughes A, Raubani J, Lewis A, Fernandes L (2020) Marine bioregions in the Southeastern Pacific to support integrated ocean governance. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 150.
Gurney G, Darling ES, Jupiter S, Mangubhai S, McClanahan TR, Lestari P, Pardede S, Campbell S, Fox M, Naisilisili W, Muthiga N, D’agata S, Holmes K, Rossi N (2019) Implementing a social-ecological systems framework for conservation monitoring: lessons from a multi-country coral reef program. Biological Conservation. 240: 108298.
McClanahan TR, Darling ES, Maina JM, Muthiga NA, D’agata S, Jupiter SD, Arthur R, Wilson SK, Mangubhai S, Nand Y, Ussi AM, Humphries AT, Patankar VJ, Guillaume MMM, Keith SA, Shedrawi G, Julius P, Grimsditch G, Ndagala J, Leblond J (2019) Temperature patterns and mechanisms influencing coral bleaching during the 2016 El Niño. Nature Climate Change.
Darling ES, McClanahan TR, Maina J, Gurney GG, Graham NAJ, Januchowski-Hartley F, Cinner JE, Mora C, Hicks CC, Maire E, Puotinen M, Skirving WJ, Adjeroud M, Ahmadia A, Arthur R, Bauman AG, Beger M, Berumen ML, Bigot L, Bouwmeester J, Brenier A, Bridge TCL, Brown E, Campbell SJ, Cannon S, Cauvin B, Chen CA, Claudet J, Denis V, Donner S, Estradivari, Fadli N, Feary DA, Fenner D, Fox H, Franklin EC, Friedlander A, Gilmour J, Goiran C, Guest J, Hobbs J-PA, Hoey AS, Houk P, Johnson S, Jupiter SD, Kayal M, Kuo C-y, Lamb J, Lee MAC, Low J, Muthiga N, Muttaqin E, Nand Y, Nash KL, Nedlic O, Pandolfi JM, Pardede S, Patankar V, Penin L, Ribas-Deulofeu L, Richards Z, Roberts TE, Rodgers KS, Safuan CDM, Sala E, Shedrawi G, Sin TM, Smallhorn-West P, Smith JE, Sommer B, Steinberg PD, Sutthacheep M, Tan CHJ, Williams GJ, Wilson S, Yeemin T, Bruno JF, Fortin M-J, Krkosek M, Mouillot D (2019) Social-environmental drivers inform strategic management of coral reefs in the Anthropocene. Nature Ecology & Evolution.
McFarlane R, Horwitz P, Arabena K, Capon A, Jenkins A, Jupiter S, Negin J, Parkes MW, Saketa S (2019) Ecosystems services for human health in Oceania. Ecosystems Services.
Jenkins A, Jupiter S, Jenney A, Rosa V, Naucukidi A, Prasad N, Vosaki G, Mulholland K, Strugnell R, Kama M, Crump J, Horwitz P (2019) Environmental foundations of typhoid fever in the Fijian residential setting. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. DOI:10.3390/ijerph16132407
Carvalho P, Jupiter S, Januchowski-Hartley F, Goetze J, Claudet J, Weeks R, Humphries A, White C (2019) Optimized fishing through periodically harvested closures. Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13417
Mollica NR, Cohen AL, Alpert A, Barkley HC, Brainard RE, Carilli J, DeCarlo T, Drenkard E, Lohmann GP, Mangubhai S, Pietro K, Rivera HE, Rotjan RD, Scott-Beuchler C, Solow A, Young C (2019) Constraining thermal thresholds of coral reefs using skeletal signatures of bleaching. Coral Reefs. 38(4): 743-757
Dacks R, Ticktin T, Mawyer A, Caillon S, Claudet J, Fabre P, Jupiter SD, McCarter J, Mejia M, Pascua P, Sterling E, Wongbusarakum S (2019) Developing biocultural indicators for resource management. Conservation Science and Practice. 1:e38. DOI: 10.1111/csp2.38
Mangubhai S, Lumelume R (2019) Achieving forest conservation in Fiji through payment for ecosystem services schemes. Pacific Conservation Biology. 25: 386‒393.
Mcleod E, Anthony KRN, Mumby PJ, Maynard J, Beeden R, Graham NAJ, Heron SF, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Jupiter S, MacGowan P, Mangubhai S, Marshall N, McClanahan TR, Mcleod K, Nyström M, Obura D, Parker B, Possingham HP, Salm RV, Tamelander J (2019) The future of resilience-based management in coral reef ecosystems. Environmental Management. 233: 291‒301
Brown CJ, Jupiter SD, Albert S, Anthony KRN, Hamilton RJ, Fredston-Hermann A, Halpern BS, Lin H-Y, Maina J, Mangubhai S, Mumby PJ, Possingham HP, Saunders MI, Tulloch VD, Wenger A, Klein CJ (2019) A guide to modelling priorities for managing of land-based impacts on coastal ecosystems. Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13331
Mangubhai S, Nand Y, Rotjan R (2019) Discovery of a recovering climax Acropora community in Kanton Lagoon in the remote Phoenix Islands Protected Area. Pacific Conservation Biology. 25(3): 322‒323
Mangubhai S, Obura DO (2019) Silent killer: Black reefs in the Phoenix Islands Protected Area. Pacific Conservation Biology. 25(2): 213‒214
Thomas AS, Mangubhai S, Vandervord C, Fox M, Nand Y (2018) Impact of Tropical Cyclone Winston on mud crab fishers in Fiji. Climate and Development. 11(8): 699–709.
Larsen SN, Leisher C, Mangubhai S, Muljadi A, Tapilatu RF (2018) Fisher perceptions of threats and fisheries declines in the heart of the Coral Triangle. Ocean Life. 2(2): 41‒46
Purcell SW, Lalavanua W, Cullis BR, Cocks N (2018) Small-scale fishing income and fuel consumption: Fiji’s artisanal sea cucumber fishery. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 75(5): 1758-1767.
Purcell SW, Fraser N J, Tagica S, Lalavanua W, Ceccarelli DM (2018) Discriminating catch composition and fishing modes in an artisanal multispecies fishery. Frontiers in Marine Science. 5:243.
Delevaux JMS, Jupiter SD, Stamoulis KA, Bremer LL, Wenger AS, Dacks R, Garrod P, Falinski KA, Ticktin T (2018) Scenario planning with linked land-sea models inform where forest conservation actions will promote coral reef resilience. Scientific Reports 8:12465. DOI:12410.11038/s41598-12018-29951-12460
Prasad N, Jenkins AP, Naucukidi L, Rosa V, Sahu-Khan A, Kama M, Jenkins KM, Jenney AWJ, Jack SJ, Saha D, Horwitz P, Jupiter SD, Strugnell RA, Mulholland EK, Crump JA (2018) Epidemiology and risk factors for typhoid fever in Central Division, Fiji, 2014-2017: A case-control study. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 12:e0006571.
Lee S, Ford A, Mangubhai S, Wild C, Ferse S (2018) Effects of sandfish (Holothuria scabra) removal on shallow-water sediments in Fiji. PeerJ. 6:e4773; DOI 10.7717/peerj.4773
Dacks R, Ticktin T, Jupiter SD, Friedlander A (2018) Drivers of fishing at the household scale in Fiji. Ecology and Society. 23: 37
Delevaux JMS, Whittier R, Stamoulis KA, Bremer LL, Jupiter S, Friedlander AM, Poti M, Guannel G, Kurashima N, Winter KB, Toonen R, Conklin E, Wiggins C, Knudby A, Goodell W, Burnett KM, Yee S, Htun H, Oleson KLL, Wiegner T, Ticktin T (2018) A linked land-sea modeling framework to inform ridge-to-reef management in high oceanic islands. PLoS ONE 13:e0193230.
McCarter J, Sterling EJ. Jupiter SD, Cullman G, Albert S, Basi M, Betley E, Boseto D, Bulehite ES, Fred B, Haroni R, Holland PS, Horning N, Hughes A, Jino N, Malone C, Mauli S, Pae B, Papae R, Rence F, Revo O, Taqala E, Taqu M, Woltz H, Filardi CF (2018) Biocultural approaches to well-being indicator development in the Solomon Islands. Ecology and Society. 23:32.
Brainard RE, Oliver T, McPhaden MJ, Cohen A, Venegas R, Heenan A, Vargas-Ángel B, , Rotjan R, Mangubhai S, Flint E, Hunter SA (2018) Ecological Impacts of the 2015−2016 El Niño in the Central Equatorial Pacific. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. S1-S6. DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0128.1
Ford AK, Eich A, McAndrews R, Mangubhai S, Nugues MM, Bejarano S, Wild C, Moore BR, Rico C, Ferse SCA (2018) Evaluation of coral reef management effectiveness using conventional versus newly developed monitoring metrics. Ecological Indicators. 85: 308−317. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.10.002
Goetze J, Claudet J, Januchowski-Hartley F, Langlois T, Wilson S, White C, Weeks R, Jupiter S (2017) Demonstrating multiple benefits from periodically harvested fisheries closures. Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI:10.1111/1365-2664.13047
Sterling EJ, Filardi C, Newell J, Albert S, Alvira D, Bergamini N, Betley E, Blair M, Boseto D, Burrows K, Bynum N, Caillon S, Caselle JE, Claudet J, Cullman G, Dacks R, Eyzaguirre PB, Gazit N, Gray S, Herrera J, Kenilorea P, Kinney K, Kurashima N, Macey S, Mauli S, McCarter J, McMillen H, Pascua P, Pikacha P, Porzecanski AL, de Robert P, Salpeteur M, Sigouin A, Sirikolo M, Stege M, Stege K, Ticktin T, Toomey A, Vave R, Wali A, West P, Winter KB, Jupiter SD (2017) Biocultural approaches to well-being and sustainability indicators across scales. Nature: Ecology & Evolution DOI: 10.1038/s41559-017-0349-6
Sterling E, Ticktin T, Morgan K, Cullman G, Alvira D, Andrade P, Bergamini N, Betley E, Burrows K, Caillon S, Claudet J, Dacks R, Eyzaguirre P, Filardi C, Gazit N, Giardina C, Jupiter S, Kinney K, McCarter J, Mejia M, Morishige K, Newell J, Noori L, Parks J, Pascua P, Ravvikumar A, Tanguay J, Sigouin A, Stege T, Stege M, Wali A (2017) Culturally grounded indicators of resilience in social-ecological systems. Environment & Society: Advances in Research. 8:63-95.
Brown CJ, Jupiter S, Lin H-Y, Albert S, Klein C, Mbui M, Tulloch V, Wenger A, Mumby PJ (2017) Habitat change mediates the response of coral reef fish populations to terrestrial run-off. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 576:55-68
Lin H-Y, Jupiter S, Jenkins A, Brown C (2017) Impact of anthropogenic disturbances on a diverse riverine fish assemblage predicted by functional traits. Freshwater Biology 62:1422-1432
Purcell W P., Beatrice I C., Lalavanua W., Eriksson H. (2017) Distribution of economic returns in small-scale fisheries for international markets: A value chain analysis. Marine Policy. 86: 9-16.
Jupiter S, Epstein G, Ban NC, Mangubhai S, Fox M, Cox M (2017) A social-ecological approach to assessing conservation and fisheries outcomes from Fijian locally managed marine areas. Society and Natural Resources. 30(9): 1096−1111.
Barnes M, Fox HE, Ahmadia GN, Kao G, Haisfield K, Glew L, Hidayat NI, Huffard C, Katz L, Mangubhai S, Purwanto. (2017) Generating actionable data for evidence-based conservation in the global center of marine biodiversity. Biological Conservation. 210: 299‒309.
Brown CJ, Jupiter SD, Simon A, Klein CJ, Mangubhai S, Maina JM, Mumby PJ, Olley J, Stewart-Koster B, Tulloch V, Wenger A (2017) Tracing the influence of land-use change on water quality and coral reefs using a Bayesian model. Scientific Reports. 7:4740. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-05031-7
Jupiter SD, Wenger A, Klein CJ, Albert S, Mangubhai S, Nelson J, Teneva L , Tulloch JV, White AT, Watson J.M (2017) Opportunities and constraints for implementing integrated land-sea management on islands. Environmental Conservation, 1-13. doi:10.1017/S0376892917000091
Goetze JS, Januchowski-Hartley FA, Claudet J, Langlois TJ, Wilson SK, Jupiter SD (2017) Fish wariness is a more sensitive indicator to changes in fishing pressure than abundance, length or biomass. Ecological Applications. DOI:10.1002/eap.1511
Jupiter SD (2017) Culture, kastom and conservation in Melanesia: what happens when worldviews collide? Pacific Conservation Biology. 23(2): 139-145
Tulloch VJ, Klein CJ, Jupiter SD, Tulloch AIT, Roelfsema C, Possingham HP (2017) Trade-offs between data resolution, accuracy, and cost when choosing information to plan reserves for coral reef ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Management. 188: 108-119. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.11.070
Fredston-Hermann A, Brown CJ, Albert S, Klein CJ, Mangubhai S, Nelson JL, Teneva L, Wenger A, Gaines SD, Halpern BS (2016) Where does river runoff matter for coastal marine conservation? Frontiers in Marine Science. doi:10.3389/fmars.2016.00273
Jenkins AP, Jupiter SD, Mueller U, Jenney A, Vosaki G, Rosa V, Naucukidi A, Mulholland K, Strugnell R, Kama M, Horwitz P (2016) Health at the sub-catchment scale: typhoid and its environmental determinants in Central Division, Fiji. EcoHealth DOI 10.1007/s10393-10016-11152-10396
Purcell SW, Ngaluafe P, Foale SJ, Cocks N, Cullis BR, Lalavanua W (2016) Multiple factors affect socioeconomics and wellbeing of artisanal sea cucumber fishers. PLoS ONE 11(12): e0165633. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0165633
Purcell SW, Ngalufe P, Aram KT, Lalavanua W (2016) Trends in small-scale artisanal fishing of sea cucumbers in Oceania. Fisheries Research. 183: 99-110
Goetze J, Langlois T, Claudet J, Januchowski-Hartley F, Jupiter SD (2016) Periodically harvested closures require full protection of vulnerable species and longer closure periods. Biological Conservation. 203:67-74
Brito IL, Yilmaz S, Huang K, Jupiter SD, Jenkins A.P, Naisilisili W, Tamminen M, Smillie CS, Wortman JR, Birren BW, Xavier RJ, Blainey PC, Singh AK, Gevers D, Alm EJ (2016) Mobile genes in the human microbiome are structured from global to individual scales. doi:10.1038/nature18927
Miller C, Batibasaga A, Chand P, Dulunaqio S, Fox M, Jupiter SD, Naisilisili W, Nand Y, Sharma-Gounder S, Smith B (2016) Cetacean diversity, common occurrence and community importance in Fijian waters. Pacific Conservation Biology.
Atkinson SC, Jupiter SD, Adams VM, Ingram JC, Narayan S, Klein CJ, Possingham HP (2016) Prioritising mangrove ecosystem services results in spatially variable management priorities. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0151992. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0151992
Jaiteh JF, Lindfield SJ, Mangubhai S, Warren C, Fitzpatrick B, Loneragan NR (2016) Higher Abundance of Marine Predators and Changes in Fishers’ Behavior Following Spatial Protection within the World’s Biggest Shark Fishery. Frontiers in Marine Science. 3: 1-5
Selig ER, Frazier M, O’Leary J, Jupiter SD, Halpern BS, Longo C, Kleisner KL, Sivo L, Ranelletti M (2015) Measuring indicators of ocean health for an island nation: The ocean health index for Fiji. Ecosystem Services 16: 403-412
Ahmadia GN, Glew L, Provost M, Gill D, Hidayat NI Mangubhai S, Purwanto, Fox HE (2015). Integrating impact evaluation in the design and implementation of monitoring marine protected areas. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 370: 20140275.
Bond ME, Tolentino E, Mangubhai S, Howey LA (2015). Vertical and horizontal movements of a silvertip shark (Carcharhinus albimarginatus) in the Fijian archipelago. Animal Biotelemetry. 3:19: 1-7
Goetze JS, Jupiter SD, Langlois TJ, Wilson SK, Harvey ES, Bond T, Naisilisili W (2015) Diver operated video most accurately detects the impacts of fishing within periodically harvested closures. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 462:74-82
Gurney GG, Pressey RL, Ban NC, Álvarez-Romero JG, Jupiter S, Adams VM (2015) Efficient and equitable design of marine protected areas in Fiji through inclusion of stakeholder-specific objectives in conservation planning. Conservation Biology. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12514
MacNeil MA, Graham NAJ, Cinner JE, Wilson SK, William ID, Maina J, Newman S, Friedlander AM, Jupiter S, Polunin NVC, McClanahan TR (2015) Recovery potential of the world's coral reef fishes. Nature. 520:341-344
Mangubhai S, Wilson JR, Rumetna L, Maturbongs Y, Purwanto (2015). Explicitly incorporating socioeconomic criteria and data into marine protected area zoning. Ocean and Coastal Management. 116: 523-529.
Sampson GS, Sanchirico JN, Roheim CA, Bush SR, Taylor JE, Allison EA, Anderson JL, Ban NC, Fujita R, Jupiter S, Wilson JR (2015) Secure sustainable seafood from developing countries. Science 348:504-506
Anthony KRN, Marshall PA, Abdullah A, Beeden R, Bergh C, Black R, Eakin M, Game ET, Gooch M, Graham NAJ, Green A, Heron S, van Hooidonk R, Knowland C, Mangubhai S, Marshall N, Maynard JA, McGinnity P, McLeod E, Mumby PJ, Nyström M, Obura D, Oliver J, Possingham HP, Pressey B, Rowlands GP, Tamelander J, Wachenfeld D, Wear S (2014) Operationalising resilience for adaptive coral reef management under global environmental change. Global Change Biology. doi: 10.1111/gcb.12700.
Ender I, Muhajir, Mangubhai S, Purwanto, Wilson JR, Muljadi A (2014). Cetacean hotspot in the global center of marine biodiversity. Marine Biodiversity Records. 7: 1-9
Golden AS, Naisilisili W, Ligairi I, Drew JA (2014) Combining natural history collections with fisher knowledge for community-based conservation in Fiji. PLoS ONE 9:e98036.
Jupiter SD, Jenkins AP, Lee Long, WJ, Maxwell SL, Carruthers TJB, Hodge K, Govan H, Tamelander J, Watson JEM (2014) Principles for integrated island management in the tropical Pacific. Pacific Conservation Biology. 20:193-205
Jupiter SD, Cohen PJ, Weeks R, Tawake A, Govan H (2014) Locally-managed marine areas: multiple objectives and diverse strategies. Pacific Conservation Biology. 20:165-179.
Jupiter SD, Mangubhai S, Kingsford RT (2014) Conservation of biodiversity in the Pacific islands of Oceania: challenges and opportunities. Pacific Conservation Biology. 20:206-220 [Download]
Kingsford RT, Jupiter SD (2014) Conservation lessons from the Pacific Islands. Pacific Conservation Biology. 20:134-135 [Download]
Klein CJ, Jupiter SD, Possingham HP (2014) Setting conservation priorities in Fiji: Decision science versus additive scoring systems. Marine Policy. 48:204-205.
Klein CJ, Jupiter SD, Watts M, Possingham HP (2014) Evaluating the influence of candidate terrestrial protected areas on coral reef condition in Fiji. Marine Policy. 44:360-365
Larsen SN, Leisher C, Mangubhai S, Muljadi A, Tapilatu RF, Sanjayan M (2014). Fisher perceptions in the heart of the Coral Triangle. Journal of Indonesian Coral Reefs. 1(3).
Mangubhai S, Strauch AM, Obura DO, Stone G, Rotjan RD (2014). Short-term changes of fish assemblages observed in the near-pristine reefs of the Phoenix Islands. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 24: 505-518
McMillen HL, Ticktin T, Friendlander A, Jupiter SD, Thaman R, Campbell J, Veitayaki J, Giambelluca T, Nihmei S, Rupeni E, Apis-Overhoff L, Aalbersberg W, Orcherton DF (2014) Small islands, valuable insights: Systems of customary resource use and resilience to climate change in the Pacific. Ecology & Society. 19(4): 44.\
Rotjan R, Jamieson R, Carr B, Kaufman L, Mangubhai S, Obura D, Pierce R, Rimon B, Ris B, Sandin S, Shelley P, Sumaila R, Taei S, Tausig H, Teroroko T, Thorrold S, Wikgren B, Toatu T, Stone G (2014). Establishment, management and maintenance of Phoenix Islands Protected Area. Advances in Marine Biology 69: 289-324
Goetze JS, Fullwood LAF (2013) Fiji's largest marine reserve benefits reef sharks. Coral Reefs 32:121-12
Grantham HS, Agostini VN, Wilson J, Mangubhai S, Hidayat N, Muljadi A, Muhajir, Rotinsulu C, Mongdong M, Beck MW, Possingham HP (2013). A comparison of zoning analyses to inform the planning of a marine protected area network in Raja Ampat, Indonesia. Marine Policy. 38: 184–194.
Halpern BS, Klein CJ, Brown CJ, Beger M, Grantham HS, Mangubhai S, Ruckelshaus M, Tulloch V, Watts M, White C, Possingham HP (2013). Achieving the triple bottom line: inherent tradeoffs among social equity, economic return and conservation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
Knudby A, Jupiter S, Roelfsema C, Lyons M, Phinn S (2013) Mapping coral reef resilience indicators for management in Fiji. Remote Sensing 5:1311-1334.
Makino A, Klein CJ, Beger M, Jupiter SD, Possingham HP (2013) Incorporating Conservation Zone Effectiveness for Protecting Biodiversity in Marine Planning. PLoS ONE 8(11): e78986. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0078986.
Makino A, Beger M, Klein CJ, Jupiter SD, Possingham HP (2013) Integrated planning for land-sea ecosystem connectivity to protect coral reefs. Biological Conservation 165:35-42
Mangubhai S, Strauch AM, Obura DO, Stone G, Rotjan RD (2013). Short-term changes of fish assemblages observed in the near-pristine reefs of the Phoenix Islands. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. DOI: 10.1007/s11160-013-9327-5
Pressey RL, Mills M, Weeks R, Day JC (2013) The plan of the day: managing the dynamic transition from regional conservation designs to local conservation actions. Biological Conservation 166:155-169
Roelfsema C, Phinn S, Jupiter S, Comley J, Albert S (2013) Mapping coral reefs at reef to reef-system scales, 10s-1000s km2, using object-based image analysis. International Journal of Remote Sensing 34:6367-6388
Tulloch VJ, Possingham HP, Jupiter SD, Roelfsema C, Tulloch AI, Klein CJ (2013) Incorporating uncertainty associated with habitat data in marine reserve design. Biological Conservation 162:41-51
Weeks R, Jupiter SD (2013) Adaptive comanagement of a marine protected area network in Fiji. Conservation Biology DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12153
Clark TR, Zhao J-X, Feng Y-X, Done T, Jupiter SD, Lough JM, Pandolfi JM (2012) Spatial variability of initial 230Th/232Th in modern Porites from the inshore region of the Great Barrier Reef. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 78:99-118
Jupiter SD, Weeks R, Jenkins AP, Egli DP, Cakacaka A (2012) Effects of a single intensive harvest on fish populations inside a customary marine closure. Coral Reefs 31:321-334
Klein CJ, Jupiter SD, Selig ER, Watts ME, Halpern BS, Kamal M, Roelfsema C, Possingham HP (2012) Forest conservation delivers highly variable coral reef conservation outcomes. Ecological Applications 22:1246-1256
Leisher C, Mangubhai S, Hess S, Widodo H, Soekirman T, Tjoe S, Wawiyai S, Larsen SN, Rumetna L, Halim A (2012) Measuring the benefits and costs of community education and outreach in marine protected areas. Marine Policy 36: 1005-1011
Lewis SE, Brodie JE, McCulloch MT, Mallela J, Jupiter SD, Williams HS, Lough JM, Matson EG (2012) As assessment of an environmental gradient using coral geochemical records, Whitsunday Islands, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Marine Pollution Bulletin 65:306-319
Mangubhai S, Erdmann MV, Wilson JR, Huffard CL, Ballamu F, Hidayat NI, Hitipeuw C, Lazuardi ME, Muhajir, Pada D, Purba G, Rotinsulu C, Rumetna L, Sumolang K, Wen W. (2012) Papua Bird’s Head Seascape: Emerging threats and challenges in the global center of marine biodiversity. Marine Pollution Bulletin 64: 2279–2295
McClanahan TR, Donner SD, Maynard JA, MacNeil MA, Graham NAJ, Maina J, Baker AC, Alemu JB, Beger M, Campbell SJ, Darling ES, Eakin CM, Heron SF, Jupiter SD, Lundquist CJ, McLeod E, Mumby PJ, Paddack MJ, Selig ER, van Woesik R (2012) Prioritizing key resilience indicators to support coral reef management in a changing climate. PLoS ONE 7:e42884. doi:42810.41371/journal.pone.0042884
Mills M, Adams VM, Pressey RL, Ban NC, Jupiter SD (2012) Where do national and local conservation actions meet? Simulating the expansion of ad hoc and systematic approaches to conservation into the future in Fiji. Conservation Letters 5:387-398
Adams VM, Mills M, Jupiter SD, Pressey RL (2011) Improving social acceptability of marine protected area networks: a method for estimating opportunity costs to multiple gear types in both fished and currently unfished areas. Biological Conservation 144:350-361
Goetze JS, Langlois TJ, Egli DP, Harvey ES (2011) Evidence of artisanal fishing impacts and depth refuge in assemblages of Fijian reef fish. Coral Reefs 30: 507-517
Grantham HS, McLeod E, Brooks A, Jupiter SD, Hardcastle J, Richardson AJ, Poloczanska ES, Hills T, Mieszkowska N, Klein CJ, Watson JEM (2011) Ecosystem-based adaptation in marine ecosystems of tropical Oceania in response to climate change. Pacific Conservation Biology 17:241-258
Jenkins AP, Jupiter SD (2011) Spatial and seasonal patterns in freshwater ichthyofaunal communities of a tropical high island in Fiji. Environmental Biology of Fishes 91: 261-274
Jupiter SD, Egli DP (2011) Ecosystem-based management in Fiji: successes and challenges after five years of implementation. Journal of Marine Biology 2011: Article ID 940765, doi:940710.941155/942011/940765
Knudby A, Roelfsema C, Lyons M, Phinn S, Jupiter S (2011) Mapping fish community variables by integrating field and satellite data, object-based image analysis and modeling in a traditional Fijian fisheries management area. Remote Sensing 3:460-483
Mangubhai S, Muhammed S, Suprayitno, Muljadi A, Purwanto, Rhodes KL, Tjandra K (2011) Do not stop: the importance of seamless monitoring and enforcement in an Indonesian Marine Protected Area. Journal of Marine Biology Article ID 501465, doi:10.1155/2011/501465 pp.1-11
Mills M, Jupiter SD, Pressey RL, Ban NC, Comley J (2011) Incorporating effectiveness of community-based management strategies in a national marine gap analysis for Fiji. Conservation Biology 25:1155-1164
Obura D, Mangubhai S (2011) Coral mortality associated with thermal fluctuations in the Phoenix Islands, 2002–2005. Coral Reefs. 30: 607–619
Obura DO, Stone G, Mangubhai S, Bailey S, Yoshinaga A, Holloway C, Barrel R (2011) Baseline marine biological surveys of the Phoenix Islands, July 2000. Atoll Research Bulletin 589: 1–62
Obura D, Mangubhai S, Yoshinaga A (2011) Sea turtles of the Phoenix Islands, 2000-2002. Atoll Research Bulletin 589: 119–124
Clarke P, Jupiter SD (2010) Law, custom and community-based natural resource management in Kubulau District (Fiji). Environmental Conservation 37:98-106
Haisfield KM, Fox HE, Yen S, Mangubhai S, Mous PJ (2010) An ounce of prevention: cost effectiveness of coral reef rehabilitation relative to enforcement. Conservation Letters 3: 243–250
Jenkins AP, Jupiter SD, Qauqau I, Atherton J (2010) The importance of ecosystem-based management for conserving aquatic migratory pathways on tropical high islands: A case study from Fiji. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecology 20:224-238
Mills M, Pressey RL, Weeks R, Foale S, Ban NC (2010) A mismatch of scales: challenges in planning for implementation of marine protected areas in the Coral Triangle. Conservation Letters 3: 291-303
Prouty NG, Field ME, Stock JD, Jupiter SD, McCulloch M (2010) Coral Ba/Ca records of sediment input to the fringing reef of the southshore of Moloka'a, Hawai'i over the last several decades. Marine Pollution Bulletin 60:1822-1835
Weeks R, Russ GR, Alcala AC, White AT (2010) The effectiveness of marine protected areas in the Philippines for biodiversity conservation. Conservation Biology 24:531-540
Weeks R, Russ GR, Bucol AA, Alcala AC (2010b) Incorporating local tenure in the systematic design of marine protected area networks. Conservation Letters 3:445-453
Weeks R, Russ GR, Bucol AA, Alcala AC (2010) Shortcuts for marine conservation planning: the effectiveness of socioeconomic data surrogates. Biological Conservation 143:1236-1244
Wilson SK, Fisher R, Pratchett MS, Graham MH, Dulvy NK, Turner RA, Cakacaka A, Polunin NVC (2010) Habitat degradation and fishing effects on the size structure of coral reef fish communities. Ecological Applications 20:442-451
Leopold M, Cakacaka A, Meo S, Sikolia J, Lecchini D (2009) Evaluation of the effectiveness of three underwater reef fish monitoring methods in Fiji. Biodiversity and Conservation 18:3367-3382
Olson D, Farley L, Patrick A, Watling D, Tuiwawa M, Masibalavu V, Lenoa L, Bogiva A, Qauqau I, Atherton J, Caginitoba A, Tokota'a M, Prasad S, Naisilisili W, Raikabula A, Mailautoka K, Morley C, Allnutt T (2009) Priority forests for conservation in Fiji: landscapes, hotspots and ecological processes. Oryx 44:57-70
Prouty NG, Jupiter SD, Field ME, McCulloch M (2009) Coral proxy record of decadal-scale reduction in base flow from Moloka'i, Hawai'i. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 10: Q12018, doi:12010.11029/12009GC002714
Jupiter S, Roff G, Marion G, Henderson M, Schrameyer V, McCulloch M, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2008) Linkages between coral assemblages and coral proxies of terrestrial exposure along a cross-shelf gradient on the southern Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs 27:887-903
Jupiter SD, Marion GS (2008) Changes in forest area along stream networks in an agricultural catchment of the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. Environmental Management 42:66-79
Wilson SK, Fisher R, Pratchett MS, Graham NAJ, Dulvy NK, Turner RA, Cakacaka A, Polunin NVC, Rushton SP (2008) Exploitation and habitat degradation as agents of change within coral reef fish communities. Global Change Biology 14:2796-2809
D'Iorio M, Jupiter SD, Cochran SA, Potts DC (2007) Optimizing remote sensing and GIS tools for mapping and managing the distribution of an invasive mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) on South Molokai, Hawaii. Marine Geodesy 30:125-144
Jupiter SD, Potts DC, Phinn SR, Duke NC (2007) Natural and anthropogenic changes to mangrove distributions in the Pioneer River Estuary (QLD, Australia). Wetlands Ecology and Management 15:51-62
Turner RA, Cakacaka A, Graham NAJ, Polunin NVC, Pratchett MS, Stead SM, Wilson SK (2007) Declining reliance on marine resources in remote South Pacific societies: ecological versus socio-economic drivers. Coral Reefs 26:997-1008
Olson D, Farley L, Naisilisili W, Raikabula A, Prasad O, Atherton J, Morley C (2006) Remote forest refugia for Fijian wildlife. Conservation Biology 20:568-572
Lal S, Tuvou L, Prasad S, Gravelle G, Cagitoba A, Farley L, Olson D (2005) Fiji's Xixuthrus longhorn beetles Vulnerable, not extinct. Oryx 39:371-372.
Leslie MS, Batibasaga A, Weber DS, Olson D, Rosenbaum HC (2005) First record of Blainville's beaked whale, Mesoplodon densirostris, in Fiji. Pacific Conservation Biology 11(4):302-304